Monday, July 31, 2006

KINIJIT – The Way of Peace & Ethiopiawinet.

This is an inspiring article I read from a kinijit forum.

KINIJIT – The Way of Peace & Ethiopiawinet.
July 29. 2006

Dear fellow Ethiopians:

It has been 14 months since the people have spoken for Peace and “Ethiopiawinet” and 270 long days since the people’s Leaders have been incarcerated. The ghosts of war and blood shed are circling around our land. Various groups are organizing themselves to confront the EPRDF militarily for they think it is the only language it understands. The ruling party has been gearing up to sacrifice the lives of young Ethiopians in Somalia in an attempt to gain favors from its “lords”. In Northern Ethiopia tense military build ups are continuing. All these shows that the cloud on top of our land is a cloud of blood shed and war.

The Spirit of war, hate, revenge and tribalism are controlling systematically the hearts and minds of many Ethiopians. We are being possessed by demons. We are heading into the wrong direction. Tribal groups whose foundations and principles are anything, but “Ethiopiawinet” are taking the stage.

Where are the voices of reason, peace and reconciliation? Where is the alternative to war? Where is the alternative to ethnic and tribal politics? Where is the alternative to revenge? Where is the alternative to hate?

Dear Fellow Ethiopians, I have good news. There is an alternative that Ethiopians had never had before, but has been introduced by KINIJIT. KINIJIT has shown a unique and dynamic alternative to solving our problems. The alternative of Kinijit is an alternative of peace, love, Ethiopiawinet and reconciliation. The alternative of Kinijit is an alternative where disputes are resolved with civil dialogue

Kinijit presented its alternative to the people. Many thought it was a foolish alternative that do not deserve support. Many thought it was a waste of time. On May 7th 2005 more than 3 million people came out in full force to rally behind Kinijit and to show their overwhelming endorsement for Kinijit and its programs On May 15th 2005, Ethiopians all over the land reaffirmed again their support with their ballot. Ethiopians said No to war, No to hate, No to revenge and No to ethnic politics.

The alternative of Kinijit has been so convincing that the EPRDF could not handle it anymore. Without an army, security forces and the support of outside powers Kinijit has been able to stand against the power of evils.

Kinijit is no longer just a political party. It has become a movement and the symbol of Ethiopiawinet and peaceful resistance. From Kaliti Prison, the Vice Chairwoman of Kinijit, Judge Birtukan Mideksa wrote:

"Kinijit was just an alternative political party before the election debates. Its transformation to being the spirit of resistance against tyranny was both dramatic and intense. As this spirit chews Ethiopians at home and abroad, our nation can no longer be tamed."

Kinijit has transformed itself from being a political party to being a movement. Some may want to see it only as a political party. Some may want to see it go away all together. However, Kinijit has a unique and invincible place in the heart of the majority of Ethiopians. All Ethiopians who aspire for freedom, human dignity and “Ethiopiawinet” are embracing Kinijit. All Ethiopians who are tired of the politics of hate and division have given thumbs up to Kinijit.

” On the first day of November, EPRDF's security men dragged the leaders of Kinijit away from our homes and assigned us a new home, at prison, hoping that the ignited flame of liberation would have stopped flickering soon” , explained Judged Birtukan Mideksa. The EPRDF may have thought it would silence this movement. Meles may have put his confidence on his Agazii troops. However, the movement expanded and reached out to millions with dramatic speed. Judge Birtukan added:” Our incarceration hasn't liquidated the spirit of freedom. Instead, it degrades those who are fighting against it into something hateful and undignified. Toughened by the crack down on dissent and other forms of oppression, other democrats, genuinely committed to the cause of liberty, and equality are emerging”

It is right, the EPRDF forces have locked up our heroes and heroines. It is right, Kinijit Leaders in Kaliti are facing unbearable pains and heavy discomfort in their cell. It is right, their children are deprived quality time with their fathers and mothers locked up in Kaliti. It is right their families are economically hurt. However, millions of Eng. Hailu Shawels, Birtukan Mideksas, Muluneh Eyuels, Professor Mesfin Woldemariams and Dr Berhanu Negas have been produced. We are all the new Dr Yacobs, Dr Befekadus, Dr. Hailus, Eng. Gizachews and Woiz. Nigists---all democrats dedicated to the peaceful struggle for democratic governance, human rights and the rule of law to take hold in our beloved Motherland.

Kinijit has introduced a new politics. A letter from Kinijit Leaders in Kaliti says: “Kinijit's open-minded, inclusive and accommodating politics has received great support from the public. There is no way back to the old sickness of divisive politics”. The new politics of Kinijit is a politics of open-mindedness, inclusiveness and accommodation. Creative ideas, suggestions and recommendations are welcomed. Criticism and dissents are valued. Kinijit is open and accommodating. It is not a club of the privileged where only the few are allowed to talk and to be listened. Kinijit is open to all.

The accommodating principles of Kinijit might innocently be taken by some as compromising one’s principles. Kinijit Leaders have offered an olive branch even to EPRDF members. For Kinijit no Ethiopian is an enemy of Ethiopia. Kinijit is for an Ethiopia where everyone could freely express his/her ideas and contribute to his country.

This is KINIJIT!

There is a choice to make here. There are two twin roads. One road is the road that leads to destruction and misery. There is another road that leads to Peace, Democracy and Ethiopian Unity. The road that Kinijit took is the road of Peace. Let us all support Kinijit and fulfill our historic responsibility. Let us work for one and unique Ethiopia whose people are equally respected regardless of ethnic affiliation, religion, gender and age. Let us speak loud and clear that WAR and HATE are behind us.

For far too long, we have been looking for others to sacrifice for us, for too long we have been hiding behind the suffering of others, for too long we have been hiding in our closets and avoiding responsibility, for too long we have been benefiting by the demise of others, for much too long we have been silent on our country’s affairs. The release of Kinijit Leaders, respect for the rule of law, freedom of the press and the release of the jailed journalists, human right activists and all prisoners of conscience, the unity of our country and peace and stability should matter to ALL Ethiopians. If these things that matter most do not move us from our silence as Martin Luther King Jr. said we are dead. The great civil rights leader said:” Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Silence is not acceptable! Ethiopia cannot afford the activism of its enemies and the silence of its children.

Ethiopia will prevail! The Almighty God will save Ethiopia. The leaders who are currently languishing in prison will be free. As Dr. Martin Luther King said, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
May the Almighty God keep our Leaders in Kaliti safe!
May the Almighty God bless our beloved Ethiopia!

Friday, July 21, 2006


As Ethio ZAgol has reported, hundreds of people in Ethiopia have stopped accessing the websites because they don't know about proxy servers. People like me would see the websites anyways because of the some of the softwares available. The government blocking of websites is to protect mass inflow of information.some of the people who try to act as if kinijit in NA were doing its job should engage in the discourse in more than propoganda level. Propoganda is for TPLF, not to Kinijit.

Let me make the group accountable. If it has answers, it should respond.

-Is Kinijit in NA helping the families of the imprisoned leaders? It has been nine months since they were jailed and as far as I know, money reached the families only twice (the months of march and April). That may not affect the Hailu shawels or the Brehanu negas. It certainly deeply affects the Andualems and Tamrat Tarekegns. If kinijit's finance is so meagre that it can't help the families of the prisoners, let it make that clear and make itself accountable to the supporters who back it financially.

-Is Kinijit in NA doing enough for the release of the prisoners? Hell no. I can't talk about the diplomatic attempts since I am far away. But in other areas what it does is woefully inadequate. A week ago I met a lawyer who used to work for Kinijit. According to him, the prisoners wanted the daily hearing to be observed by a professional lawyer. But kinijit NA refused to make payment for the trial observer. I also learnt that a team of professional lawyers who made a case analysis(legal briefs, analysis of evidence, law ... translation of the case and the evidences to english etc..) on the prosecutor's charge, they weren't paid. Since people we so demotivated, now there is virtually none except family members and some who are "cherkachwin Tilew Yabedu Kinijit supporters" who are seriously following the trial and lobbying diplomats here. The trial is a sham trial of the century and we couldn't even make such patent failing of the governemnt, material for diplomatic offensive here.Kinijit. org(run by some elements in the NA group) isn't making enough effort to create awareness of the ordeals of the prisoners. AI's report on Birhanu Nega's health is not posted. The condition of most of the prisoners is given least coverage on Kinijit's own website.-Is kinijit in NA doing enough to support the struggle at home? NO! In fact, it is seriously affecting the advancement struggle here. Kinijit's various elements were working harmoniously here after the imprisonemnt of the leaders. But Kinijit in NA is adversely affecting the harmony favouring one element over the other; exporting the AEUP Vs. KD controversy that died down long time ago here; sending money to all sorts of groups that are virtually unaccountable to Kinijit just because some of the leaders in NA knew some of them personally.-Is AFD adversely affecting Kinijit here? YesI still support the AFD but the support of one person or another is beyond the point when it seriously compromises the health of kinijit. The talk and the lobby is less and less about Kaliti and more and more about AFD. The fact that it wasn't defended propersly by those who signed it is making supporters of kinijit here very confused.I fear with the way things are moving, the prisoners will be totally forgotten. The one rallying point and priority for all kinijit supporters should have been the ordeals of these men and women.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


The AFD has been a buzz word lately for many Ethiopians. Ethiopians have been expressing their views from different direction in support and in opposition. The Alliance which was supposed to be a unitying force has divided us from the get go.
Initially the majority of Ethiopians were supportinve of the AFD. Unless he is an enemy of Ethiopian of devil-possessed who would not like when Ethiopains come together to solve their country's problem.

Support of the AFD has slided down when the MOU and statutes were made public. Since then many are shying away from the AFD. Even the individuals who signed the agreement on behalf of Kinijit are afraid to face the public. They are willing only to come out in a controlled environment and only with the OLF people by their side. They are comfortable only to preach the CHOIR.

Kinijit Supporters like Ambassador Imeru Zelleke, Ato Abate Kassa, Professor Habte Girogis and many more have been calling for a renegotiation of the AFD. Many have expressed internally their oppositions. Unfortunately, the North America KInijit , which is controlled by the three individuals who signed the AFD, is not willing to listen. They basically igonred the plea of many kinijit supporters. THEY ARE ACCOUNTABLE TO NO ONE. THEY HAVE BECOME OUR "MAJESTIES". Therefore, there is no hope these people will do the right thing for Ethiopia.
They don't listen.

Attached below is a plea from professor Habte to Kinijit leaders.

The role of Kinijit support leadership in the AFD
From the desk of HG,

Selam all,

I hear from different places that some Kinijit support leaders say things about the AFD that they shouldn't.

Things to say or not to say about the AFD membership.

1. If you are not an OLF leader or supporter please do not speak on behalf of the OLF. Let them represent their views. They are very articulate in sharing how they wish for peace to prevail in the Horn of Africa. They will speak how democratic processes will benefit the OLF etc.

2. If you are a leader or supporter of the Kinijit-support units speak about Kinijit, its platform and how it will benefit all Ethiopians irrespective of ethnic origin. Learn about the Oromo history perhaps by beginnig to appreciate how Afan Oromo propogated over the languages of the ancient Ethiopians so that different dialects including the Mecha, Tulama, Borean, and Qottu developed (

3. If they ask you about the AFD, please do not speak outside of what has been agreed upon in a written form in the AFD documents ( the mou and the statutes). If you have read those speak truthfully about what is written. If you have not read the documents, say that you have not read the documents. Do not speak about the AFD beyond what is written in the documents. However, you could share your wish of what an AFD could be, by making absolutely sure that you are expressing your wish but not what is written in the AFD documents. Many of us have read the mou and the statutes that were posted on ER, and that is what we go by. Apparently, Kinijit-USA support leadership that brokered the AFD document is so-ashamed of what it signed that it will not post the signed documents on the Kinijit web-site. I wonder why they perform tasks in which they appear to be so ashamed of?

In a recent piece I had indicated the following.
"It is in the contents of the MOU and the Statutes that the major failings are to be found. It may be time to enumerate some of the values that derive from having an alliance, so that we can better indicate the failings of the statute.
The advantages of the alliance include the following. 1. Giving a hand to parties such as the OLF at the time when they are weak so as to cause their members become more magnanimous in their vision of Ethiopia. 2. Blunting the ethnic feud instigated in Ethiopia by the TPLF/EPRDF. 3. Offering a bridge to some OLFite-Ethiopians who might have been living wearing ethnic political clothes though they might have not believed in it deep in their psych. The alliance gives them opportunities to express more fully their Ethiopianess because currently even the OLF is pro alliance with other Ethiopian parties including the pan-Ethiopian Kinijit party. 4. Causing several OLFite-Ethiopians to realize that their real concerns are cultural issues that can easily be resolved by democratic process instead of by placing anger against a presumed oppressor Amhara nation that the OLF used to feed them as the source of the underdevelopment of the Oromo Ethiopians. 5. Offering opportunities for enterprising Ethiopians, irrespective of linguistic affiliation, to find better and workable proposals for the well-being of Ethiopia. With such and other advantages, why then oppose the alliance? No one opposes the alliance, what people oppose relates to the contents in the MOU and the Statutes that give powers to parties instead of to the Ethiopians in Ethiopia. What is objectionable is that the MOU and the Statute do not have any sacrosanct and nonnegotiable issues about Ethiopia, namely the sovereignty of the people and the country, and the achievements of its people. Because of lack of agreed upon nonnegotiable issues about Ethiopia within the MOU and Statutes some disadvantages of the alliance become apparent including the case of Kinijit providing a platform to popularize the secessionist OLF. I have enumerated previously many other objections including making the point that the net effect of giving equal weight to the votes to constituent parties of the alliance has a deleterious effect to Kinijit. This is such a crucial failing of the statutes that it deserves more exposition. Each of the ethnic-centered parties claim to represent their ethnic group, how come the kinijit which represents the whole of Ethiopia has the same voting weight as the ethnic-centered parties? Moreover, the only goal of the alliance is to ask that a national conference be held in Ethiopia. Suppose tomorrow Mr. Zenawi permitted the holding of such a conference with about 70 ethnic-parties, including the components of the TPLF/EPRDF and other affiliated parties, will all the conference parties have equal voting weight? The question becomes why wouldn’t Kinijit-USA have understood the failings of the alliance before signing on the MOU and Statutes? What guarantees exist to cause Mr. Zenawi to respect the utterances of an all party conference, when it well-known that it has forcibly nullified the majority vote of twenty six million voters any way? As a nonviolent movement why did kinijit-USA elect to be secretive about the alliance? Why wouldn’t it publish the alliance documents? Why did it transform itself into the KIL? Why does KIL’s political wing provide a prèss release ( so similar in content to chapter 1 of a 1993 book that proclaimed ethnic-centered politics as an inevitable political paradigm ( Some of these issues are described further in section 2 more fully. Here, the point to stress is that the Kinijit-USA and/or KIL should rescind the MOU and Statutes, and replace them by a knowable and measurable alliance agreements, such seeking the release of elected Kinijit leaders, as expressed in the press release of executive committee of the AFD based on its deliberations of June 29-July 1/ 06 (

Monday, July 17, 2006

Ethiopians: Let us Keep our promises

On May 15th 2005, the Ethiopian People spoke for change, Unity and Ethiopiawinet. Unfortunately the ruling regime refused to accept the verdict of the people. The Carter Center called the election counting process disapointing.
The Ethiopoan people particularly the Diaspora was very vocal in calling Kinijit officials to boycot the EPRDF Parlaiment. Kinijit leaders listened the people and refuse to join the Parlaiment unless the basic democratic norms are established. For this they are currently suffering in Kaliti Priosn.
It is up to us to keep our promises and do whatever it takes to secure the release of our prisoners. Our focus should not be elsewhere but Kaliti. Our energy should not be on figthing among ourselves, as North Americak Kinijit folks do. We have to labour on helping the families of Kinijit leaders, mobilize the people for the cause of Peace and Ethiopiawinet and save Kinijit from evils plots to destroy it in the name of so called AFD.
Now everybody in NA Kinijit are consumed by the AFD. None are doing something for political prisoners. They raised thousand of dollars from the people. I do not know where they are taking it. The professional external auditor has resigned. If they are not helping families of Kinijit leaders what are they doing with the money ? All Kinijit syupporters need to ask and find out.